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28 October 2009

Penerimaan CPNS Pemkot Magelang 2009 (30 Oktober - 9 Nopember 2009)


Penerimaan CPNS Pemkot Magelang 2009
Together is informed that the Government will conduct Magelang Candidate Selection Procurement of Civil
Service General Applicants with the following conditions:

Education Qualifications

     * SMF / SMK Pharmacy 7 people
     * D2 PGSD Prajabatan 6 People
     * D3 AAK 1 person
     * D3 Accounting for 10 people
     * D3 Analyst Food Pharmacy 1 person
     * D3 WFA / AKL 2 people
     * D3 Nutrition 5 people
     * D3 Section 3 people
     * D3 Midwifery 1 person
     * D3 Nursing 15 people
     * D3 Information Management / Computer Science 8 people
     * D3 Tester Motor Vehicle 1 person
     * D3 Library 5 people
     * D3 Refraksionis Optision 1 person
     * D3 Medical Record 3 people
     * D3 Electrical Engineering 1 person
     * D3 in Civil Engineering 1 person
     * S1 Faculty of Islamic Da'wah 1 person
     * S1 Akuntansi 4 people
     * S1 Veterinarian 1 person
     * S1 Economic Management (Finance Department) 13 people
     * S1 Economy Tourism Management 1 person
     * S1 Ilmu Hukum 1 person
     * S1 Ilmu Hukum 3 people
     * S1 Social Welfare 1 person
     * S1 Communication 2 people
     * S1 Landscap 1 person
     * S1 Management Transportasi/D4 Transport Management 1 person
     * S1 Pend. Religion Islam / Tarbiyah or Islamic S1 and Act IV / Certificate of Profession. 3 people
     * S1 Pend. Religion Islam / Tarbiyah or Islamic S1 and Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. Christianity or Christianity S1 and Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 English or English and Certificate IV / Certificate Profession 10 people
     * S1 Pend. S1 English or English and Certificate IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 Java language or Java language and the Act IV / 2 of Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 Japanese language or Japanese language and Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. Mandarin or Mandarin S1 and Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. Art Culture and Skills or S1 SBK + Act IV / 1 person Sertifikt Profession
     * S1 Pend. Art Music or Music S1 + Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. Dance Dance or S1 + Act IV / 3 Certificate of Professional
     * S1 Pend. Dance Dance or S1 + Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 Computer Engineering or Computer Science / Computer + Act IV / 2 of Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 Computer Engineering or Computer Science / Computer + Act IV / 2 of Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. S1 Computer Engineering or Computer Science / Computer + Act IV / 2 of Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Pend. Cooling Techniques and Procedures for Air or S1 Cooler + Technical Certificate IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Special Education 4 people
     * S1 Fishing 2 people
     * S1 Agriculture 1 person
     * S1 Agriculture Agrobisnis/S1 Tissue Culture 3 people
     * S1 PGSD 15 people
     * S1 Planning 2 people
     * S1 Psychology 4 people
     * S1 Public Relation (Public Relations) 2 people
     * S1 Sospol State Administration of 2 people
     * S1 Sospol Governmental Science 1 person
     * S1 Sospol Governmental Science 1 person
     * S1 Sospol Governmental Science 1 person
     * S1 Statistics 1 person
     * S1 Teknik Informatika 2 people
     * S1 Teknik Kimia 1 person
     * S1 Environmental Engineering 1 person
     * S1 Mechanical Engineering Construction 1 person
     * S1 Civil Engineering 2 people
     * General Practitioner 2 people
     * 1 person Dentists
     * S2 and S2 Pharmacist Pharmacy 1 person
     * Medical Specialist Children 1 person
     * Medical Specialist anesthesia 1 person
     * Medical Specialist Surgery 1 person
     * Medical Specialist Lung 1 person
     * Doctor ENT Specialist 1 person

Applicant Requirements

     * Aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years on January 1, 2010 and / or that meet the government regulation number 11 of 2002 is 35 sd age of 40 years January 1, 2010
     * Will not apply outside the agency to move Government of Central Java province, before it has an active working life of at least 8 (eight) years

Registration Procedures

     * Registration starts on October 30 to 9 November 2009 by using the On-line or POS.
     * Registration On Line with Internet media (on line registration) on 30 October to 9 November 2009 at 00.00 sd 24.00 pm, participants in the registration application registrations Latest CPNSD Central Java Province in 2009 which was shown on the site CPNS recruitment of Central Java (link attached) to obtain the registration number and registration form
     * Participants can also register by sending a file directly through PT requirements. POS INDONESIA starting on October 30 to 9 November 2009 a stamp POS and should be received by the Procurement Team CPNS least 2 days after the last day of registration.
     * Image registration is sent to the Mayor Magelang CPNSD PO BOX CITY MAGELANG 56,100.

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