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12 October 2009

Lowongan CPNS Lembaga Administrasi Negara 2009 (01-16 Oktober 2009)


Institute of State Administration (LAN) to open opportunities for Indonesian citizens, men and women to become candidates selected for Civil Servants (CPNS), with the type of positions and educational qualifications and selection of the following areas:
Education Qualifications

     * D3 Accounting: 6 people
     * D3 Computer Science: 2 people
     * D3 Filing: 1 person
     * D3 Civil Service / Human Resources: 1 person
     * D3 Nursing: 1 person
     * D3 Communication: 1 person
     * D3 Library: 1 person
     * D3 Electrical Engineering: 1 person
     * D3 Teknik Komputer: 2 people
     * D3 in Civil Engineering: 1 person
     * S1 State Administration: 2 people
     * S1 State Administration: 4 people
     * S1 Educational Administration: 3 people
     * S1 Accounting: 2 people
     * S1 Economic Development: 5 people
     * International Relations S1: 1 person
     * S1 Law: 3 people
     * S1 Science Journalism / Communication: 1 person
     * S1 Sciences Government: 1 person
     * S1 Library Science: 1 person
     * S1 Information Management: 1 person
     * S1 Social Psychology: 1 person
     * S1 Psychology: 1 person
     * S1 Sociology: 1 person
     * S1 Statistics: 2 people
     * S1 Teknik Komputer: 1 person
     * S1 Information Technology: 2 people
     * S1 Technology Education: 2 people
     * S2 State Administration Law: 1 person
     * S2 Development Management: 1 person
     * Public Policy S2: 1 person
     * S2 HR Management: 2 people

Applicant Requirements

     * Aged as low as 18 Year and 35-year maximum as of 01 November 2009;
     * Index grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 (two point seven five) for all departments.

Applying Procedures

     * Job opening began on 01 Oktober 2009 until the October 16, 2009;
     * The applicant's documents sent by post dated no later than October 16, 2009 CAP POS, and TIM procurement will take your resume to the PO. BOX at the latest on October 20, 2009 at 16:00 pm;
     * Test / written test conducted in five regions (Jakarta, Bandung, Makassar, Samarinda, Banda Aceh) simultaneously on Monday, October 26, 2009 the date according to the needs of job positions and work units.

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