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27 October 2009

Lowongan Kerja CPNS Pemprov Jawa Tengah 2009


Lowongan Kerja CPNS Pemprov Jawa Tengah 2009
Together is informed that the Central Java Provincial Government will hold a candidate selection Procurement of Civil Service General Applicants with the following conditions:

Education Qualifications

     * SLTA Sederajat 78 people
     * 18 people SPMA Agriculture
     * D3 Communication Sciences 3 people
     * Department of Pharmacy D3 AF 34 people
     * D3 Financial Accounting 10 people
     * D3 analyst Health 25 people
     * D3 Anesthesia / Nursing 5 people
     * D3 atro / Atrr 9 people
     * D3 Graphic Design 1 person
     * D3 Elektro Medik 10 people
     * D3 Physiotherapy 7 people
     * D3 Nutrition 4 people
     * D3 Midwifery 16 people
     * D3 Nursing 130 people
     * D3 Environmental Health 1 person
     * D3 Occupational Therapy 1 person
     * D3 Orthetik Protestik 1 person
     * D3 Dental Nurse 2 people
     * D3 Agriculture 9 people
     * D3 Refraksionis Optisien 1 person
     * D3 Medical Record 19 people
     * D3 in Civil Engineering 8 people
     * D3 Speech Therapy 2 people
     * D4/S1 Social Worker / Social Welfare Science 6 people
     * S1 State Administration / Law / Science Government 4 people
     * S1 Agrobisnis 3 people
     * S1 Accounting Profession + 10 people
     * S1 Graphic Design 1 person
     * S1 Economic Accounting 4 people
     * S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 10 people
     * S1 Economic Development Study 4 people
     * S1 Economic Development Studies / Economics Management 3 people
     * S1 Medical Physics 1 person
     * Department of Communication S1 FISIPOL 5 people
     * S1 Law 7 people
     * S1 inundated 3 people
     * S1 Forestry 8 people
     * S1 Nursing + Ners 7 people
     * S1 Public Health 3 people
     * S1 Fisheries 3 people
     * S1 Mining / Geology 4 people
     * S1 Agriculture 1 person
     * S1 Agriculture Department of Agricultural Extension 4 people
     * S1 Ranch 3 people
     * S1 Production Livestock Husbandry Department 5 people
     * S1 Psychology Clinical Psychology Profesi/S2 + 2 people
     * S1 Psychology Professional Psychology Profesi/S2 + 1 person
     * S1 Sospol State Administration of 2 people
     * S1 Sospol Government 6 people
     * S1 Sospol Government / Public Administration 4 people
     * S1 Engineering Architecture 3 people
     * S1 Electrical Engineering 2 people
     * S1 Electrical Engineering Department Weak Flow 4 people
     * S1 Electrical Engineering Department of Electric Power 3 people
     * S1 Teknik Informatika 3 people
     * S1 Computer Science / Geography 2 people
     * S1 Civil Engineering 4 people
     * Pharmacist 3 people
     Dentists * + STR (Certificate of Registration) 2 people
     * General Practitioner + STR (Certificate of Registration) 23 people
     * S2 Clinical Pharmacy 3 people
     * S2 Policy Studies / Public Administration / Science Government / Political Science 2 people
     * Medical Specialist Skin & Sex + Str (Certificate of Registration) 1 person

Applicant Requirements

     * Aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years on January 1, 2010 and who meet the conditions or Government Regulation number 11 of 2002
     * Will not apply for a move outside agencies Provincial Government of Central Java, before it has an active working life of at least 8 (eight) years calculated from the Rapture CPNS, evidenced by a statement laced letter stamp Rp. 6000, -.

Registration Procedures

     * Registration starts on October 30 to 9 November 2009 by using the On-line or POS.
     * Registration On Line with Internet media (on line registration) on 30 October to 9 November 2009 (attached registration link at the end of this article)
     * Participants registering by sending a file directly through the PT requirements. POS INDONESIA starting on October 30 to 9 November 2009 a stamp POS and should be received by the Procurement Team CPNS least 3 (three) days after the last day of registration.

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