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14 October 2009

Lowongan Kerja CPNS KPU 2009 (15 - 21 Oktober 2009)


In order to complete the formation CPNS Fiscal Year 2009 the Commission opened an opportunity for the citizens of the Republic of Indonesia, men and women graduates of Master (S2), Sarjana (S1) and Diploma III (DIII) as determined by the Decree of Minister No. 290 Year 2009 dated 10 September 2009 , to be appointed a candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS) in the environment KPU Secretariat General, Provincial KPU Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Commission District / Town of 1094 people with qualifications as follows:

Education Qualifications

     * D3 Economy 33 people
     * D3 PR 7 people
     * D3 SECTION 4 people
     * 196 people D3 Computers
     * D3 Number 1 person
     * D3 Secretary-1 person
     * S1 State Administration 53 people
     * S1 Religion 1 person
     * S1 Akuntansi 4 people
     * S1 Economics 247 people
     * S1 International Relations 8 people
     * S1 Law 268 people
     * S1 PR 1 person
     * S1 Communication Studies 46 people
     * S1 Governmental Science 59 people
     * S1 Political Science 61 people
     * S1 Computer 69 people
     * S1 Communication 21 people
     * S1 Matematika 1 person
     * S1 Sociology 2 people
     * S1 Sociology 3 people
     * S1 Statistics 4 people
     * S1 Electrical Engineering 1 person
     * S1 Civil Engineering 2 people
     * S2 Computers 1 person

Applicant Requirements

     * Meet the GPA requirements, as follows: Magister (S2) 3.0 min; Bachelor (S1) 2.8 min; Sarjana Muda (D3) 2.7 min.
     * Applicants age 35 years the highest December 1, 2009;
     * Age applicants over 35 years and the highest 40 years of the date of December 1, 2009, must have a term of more than 12 years at the Agency / Institution / Private legal entities and do not cut off until now;
     * Have the ability to use Microsoft Office;

Applying Procedures

     * The application letter should be handwritten in black ink and complete address of the applicant written list zip code, home phone number or HP and signed by the applicant duly stamped 6000, addressed to: The Secretary General of the General Elections Commission (General Secretariat for the formation of the Commission); and Secretary General Election Commission cq Provincial KPU Secretary addressed (for the formation of Provincial Election Commission Secretariat), through the PO Box as the announcement in each province have been announced in the local print media *
     * Acceptance of the applicant's documents began on 15 s.d. October 21, 2009 postmark

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