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22 October 2009

Lowongan CPNS Daerah Pemkot Yogyakarta 2009 (4-10 November 2009)

Lowongan CPNS Pemkot Yogyakarta 


Together is informed that the Government of Yogyakarta City will hold a candidate selection, procurement of the Regional Civil Service of the General Applicants with the following conditions:
Education Qualifications

     * D2 Motor Vehicle Testing 1 person
     * D3 analyst Health 6 people
     * D3 Anesthesi 2 people
     * D3 Economic Accounting 28 people
     * D3 Economic Management 3 people
     * D3, Electronic and Electrical Engineering Instrumentasi/D3 of 3
     * D3 Gizi/D3 Nutritionist 2 people
     * D3 Midwifery 10 people
     * D3 Nursing 22 people
     * D3 Environmental Health 6 people
     * D3 Traffic and Transportation Road (LLAJ) 2 people
     * D3 Perpustakaan/D3 Library 2 people
     * D3 Radiologi/D3 Engineering Elektromedik 1 person
     * D3 Record Medis/D3 Medical Record and Health Information System for 19 people
     * D3 Makeup and Beauty and the Act III 4 people
     * D3 Architecture 1 person
     * D3 Engineering Elektromedik 2 people
     * D3 Engineering Komputer/D3 Engineering Informatika/D3 Engineering & Informatika/D3 Management Information Management 4 people
     * D3 Mechanical Engineering 1 person
     * D3 in Civil Engineering 4 people
     * D4 Midwifery 2 people
     * D4 Kesehatan/S1 Health 7 people
     * S1 Administrasi Negara 2 people
     * S1 Anthropology 1 person
     * S1 or S1 Guidance Counseling Guidance Counseling and Certificate IV / Certificate Profession 11 people
     * S1 Economic Accounting for 4 people
     * S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 10 people
     * S1 Hukum 11 people
     * S1 Economics and Economics Pembangunan/S1 Study 4 people
     * S1 Study of Economics and Pembangunan/S1 Economic Development Ekonomi/S1 Science 1 person
     * S1 Communication Sciences 2 people
     * S1 Ilmu Pemerintahan 5 people
     * S1 Communication Studies Pemerintahan/S1 Sciences 1 person
     * S1 Health 2 people
     * S1 Kesehatan/S1 Epidemiology 2 people
     * Education S1 or S1 Javanese and Javanese literature Act IV / Certificate Profession 10 people
     * Education S1 or S1 Japanese Language Japanese Literature and the Act IV / 3 Certificate of Professional
     * Education S1 or S1 German Language German Literature and the Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * Education S1 or S1 French Language French Literature and Act IV / 1 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 World Education Business / Economics Management and Certificate IV / 3 Certificate of Professional
     * Education S1 or S1 Music Music and Arts Act IV / Certificate Profession 17 people
     * Education S1 or S1 Fine Arts Fine Arts and Certificate IV / 5 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 Tata Education Clothing 1 person
     * Education S1 or S1 Engineering, Information Design and Visual Communication Certificate IV or S1 Engineering Science Informatika/S1 and Komputer/S1 Multimedia Act IV / 2 of Certificate of Profession
     * Pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika S1 Teknik Informasi/Informatika/S1 or Komputer/S1 Science Informatika/S1 Management Information System and Certificate IV / Certificate of 48 Professional
     * Pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika S1 Teknik Informatika/S1 or Komputer/S1 Multimedia/S1 Science Art and Visual Communication Design Certificate IV / Certificate Profession 3 people
     * Education S1 or S1 Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering and Certificate IV / 5 Certificate of Profession
     * S1 PGSD / D.II PGSD 25 people
     * S1 Sosiatri 3 people
     * S1 Statistik/S1 Mathematics 2 people
     * S1 Engineering Architecture 2 people
     * S1 Engineering Electronics and Instrumentation Elektro/S1 of 1
     * S1 Teknik Komputer/S1 Engineering Informatika/S1 Management Informatika/S1 Science Komputer/S1 Information Systems 3 people
     * S1 Environmental Engineering 3 people
     * S1 Civil Engineering 3 people
     * S1 Civil Engineering Department Transportasi/S1 Transportasi/D4 Land Transport 2 people
     * 4 people S1/D4 Nursing
     * Nursing S1/D4 Ners 2 people
     * Tourism and S1/D4 Act IV / Certificate Profession 6 people
     * Hospitality and S1/D4 Act IV / 3 Certificate of Professional
     * Dentist 2 people
     * Medical Specialist Children 1 person
     * General Practitioners 20 people
     * S2 Health Law 1 person
     * S2 Professional Clinical Psychologist 1 person

Applicant Requirements

     * Aged as low as 18 (eighteen) years and a maximum of 35 (thirty five) years on January 1, 2010 and may be older than 35 (thirty five) years up to 40 (forty) years as of January 1 2010, must have a period of uninterrupted work, at least 12 (twelve) years of 8 (eight) months calculated up to December 31, 2009
     * There are continuing education to a higher level;
     * All applicants with education qualifications DII, DIII, with a minimum undergraduate grade (IP) 2.75 Cumulative except for applicants who are still devoted to the Energy Assistance (Naban) in the Municipality of Yogyakarta, by attaching a Decree on Appointment of Chief Naban SKPD / Head of the Regional Secretariat of the first and last. Excluded, for applicants who received a first-grade teacher at the elementary school that has a compulsory education PGSD D2 was educated and graduated in Swadana PGSD S1 forever 5 (five) years since appointed as CPNS

Applying Procedures

     * Registration of participants for on-line through the website CPNS recruitment municipal government of Yogyakarta (link attached below this article) began on 4 November 2009 at 08.00 WIB s / d 10 November 2009 at 24.00 WIB;
     * Print a proof of registration on-line as much as 2 (two) sheets and sign the proof of registration on-line
     * Letter of application addressed to the Mayor of Yogyakarta written with his own hands, using black ink and signed, and also mentions the proposed position (without stamp)
     * Registration is considered valid if the file has been completed application submitted to the requirements of the procurement committee began on 5 to 11 November 2009 at 08.00 s / d 13:00 pm except Friday and Saturday until 11:00 pm located at: REGIONAL DEPDAGRI PUSDIKLAT YOGYAKARTA Jl. Melati Kulon No. I Baciro Yogyakarta.
     * Test conducted simultaneously writing a DIY Province on Sunday November 22, 2009 at 08.00 WIB s / d over 

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