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08 October 2009

Lowongan Kerja CPNS Kementerian Negara Pemberdayaan Perempuan 2009 (Exp : 10 Oktober 2009)


Jln. Merdeka Barat No.. 15 Tel. 3805563-3842638 Fax. 3805562-3805559
Jakarta 10110
Number: P. 19 / CPNS/Set/Men.PP/IX/2009
In order to fill the vacancy formation Civil Service in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Administrative Reform Tax 267.F/M.PAN/9/2009 neighbors
Additional Principle Approval Center CPNS Formation Year 2009, Ministry of State
Empowerment of Women opened the opportunity for Indonesian citizens to
the Civil Service Candidates with qualifications and conditions as follows:

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1. General Requirements
1) Indonesia Citizens;
2) duty to God Almighty;
3) Having a high integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
4) There stands a Candidate / PNS, Calon / Members of TNI / Police;
5) Not domiciled as members or officials of political parties;
6) Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or not
with respect as PNS / TNI / police, or dismissed with respect
as a Private Employees;
7) Never in prison or sentenced to confinement by a court decision;
8) Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan (jenjang dan jurusan) yang sesuai
the vacancy formation position;
9) Good manner;
10) physical and spiritual health.
2. Application documents attached:
1) Letter of application and CVs list tailored format attached and
signed himself with the black ink stamped Rp. 6000, - addressed to
Minister of Women Empowerment, by mentioning the position of
proposed, educational qualifications, GPA, and the origin PTN / PTS is written at the top left corner
2) The application letter sent to the Ministry of Women Empowerment JI. Medan
Merdeka Barat No. 15 Jakarta Pusat 10110 began on 28 September to 10
October 2009 (the postmark or other delivery services) by enclosing:
a. Photocopy of diploma and transcript Value Finally, while the Certificate
Graduation NOT APPLY;
b. A certificate applicant to an accredited private universities A and B;
c. Performance Index cumulative (GPA) Bachelor S1 & S2 for State Universities
minimum of 2.75, whereas for a minimum of Private Higher 3:00;
d. Performance Index cumulative (GPA) D3 for the minimum State University 2.75,
whereas for a minimum of Private Higher 3:00;
e. Photocopy of Police record Certificate issued by the party
authorities / police;
f. Photocopy of certificate of physical and spiritual health of the physician health center / hospital
g. Photocopy of certificate not consume / use of narcotics,
psychotropic drugs, precursor and other addictive substances from the health service unit
government (if equipped test passed the interview);
h. Photograph size 3 x 4 cm 2 pieces (written name);
i. Copy of a valid identity card;
j. Age limit for applicants 30 years maximum S1, S2 maximum of 35 years, and D3
maximum 27 years on November 1, 2009.
3) The application letter and attachments neatly arranged and put into a folder

a. YELLOW for S2
b. RED for S1
c. BLUE for D3
3. Selection Administration:
1) Application documents have been received the Committee will be held administrative selection;
2) The number of applicants who passed the administrative selection as much as 20 x
formation based on the number of vacancies rank highest GPA, so that no
all applicants will be called to take a written exam
3) For applicants who meet the administrative requirements will be announced through official website, and bulletin boards on 21
October 2009;
4) For applicants who passed the administrative selection, can take Alerts

Trial participants in the Office of the State Ministry of Women Empowerment Lt.10 JI.
Abdul Muis No.7 Jakarta Pusat on 23 to 29 October 2009 on working hours
starting at 8.00-15.00 pm with a proof of ID card / original certificate (not

4. Materials and Exam Schedule
1) Test consists of
a. Basic Competence Test (NLT)
- General Knowledge Test
- Scholastic Talent Test
- Test Maturity Scale
b. Talent Ability Test (TKB)
c. Test Interview
2) Implementation of planned test October 31, 2009;
3) The exam will be notified later.
5. Other:
1) For applicants who do not meet the requirements as specified, not
will be included in the selection / examination;
2) The committee did not accept the applicant's documents are delivered directly to the Office
Ministry of Women Empowerment;
3) The decision CPNS Admission Committee can not be contested;
4) The applicant is expected to be careful and do not serve the parties
promising graduation;
5) For applicants who passed the selection process but to resign
required to reimburse the Committee issued Rp. 10.000.000, --
(ten million rupiah).

Jakarta, 28 September 2009

Secretary of State Minister of PP
Procurement Team Leader CPNS
Ministry of Women Empowerment.
Dr. Ir. H. Koensatwanto Inpasihardjo, Dipl, HE, M. Sc

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