In Fiscal Year 2009, National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) will hold a reception of candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) of 91 (ninety one) consisted of graduates Postgraduate Strata Two (S2), Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) and Diploma of Three (D3) which will be placed on the entire territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the scope of functions and tasks ANRI, with the following provisions:
Education Qualifications
* S2 Public Administration: 2 people
* S1 State Administration: 4 people
* S1 Economic Accounting: 6 people
* S1 Management Economics / Management Science: 4 people
* S1 Electrical / Electronics: 4 people
* S1 Pharmacy: 1 person
* S1 Geography: 2 people
* S1 Law: 6 people
* S1 Political Science / Governance / Government Science: 3 people
* S1 Communication: 2 people
Dutch Literature * S1: 2 people
English Literature * S1: 2 people
* S1 Nusantara Literature / Literature of Java: 2 people
* S1 History: 5 people
* S1 Sociology: 2 people
* S1 Computer Science / Information Management / Information Systems: 7 people
* Graphic Design D3: 3 people
* D3 Elektro / Elektonika: 1 person
* D3 Section: 14 people
* D3 Library: 1 person
* D3 Secretary / Office Administration / Management Administration: 4 people
* D3 Computer Science / Information Management / Information Systems: 8 people
* S1 State Administration: 1 person
* S1 Economic Accounting: 1 person
* S1 Computer: 1 person
* S1 Communication: 1 person
* D3 Filing / Secretary / Office Administration / Management Administration: 2 people
Applicant Requirements
* Can operate a computer;
* Grade point average of at least 3.00 for S2, S1 and D3 for at least 2.5;
* Aged maximum of 35 years 30 November 2009.
Applying Procedures
* Registration applications opened on October 8, 2009 and closed on October 21, 2009;
* Shipping applications are made directly or via post (do not accept delivery via email);
* Applications received by the Committee no later than October 21, 2009 at 16:00 pm;
* The letter was handwritten application itself on foolscap lined and addressed to: Chief ANRI cq CPNS ANRI Admission Committee, Jl. Ampera Raya No. 7, Jakarta Selatan 12560
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