Lowongan CPNS Kabupaten Sleman DIY
Based on the Minister for Administrative Reform 362.P/M.PAN/9/2009 number dated 14 September 2009 regarding Approval Supplement Principle Regional CPNS Formation Year 2009, announced that the government of Sleman District in Fiscal Year 2009 will hold a Candidate Selection Admission to the Civil Service following provisions:
Education Qualifications
* School Assistant Pharmacist / 8 Middle School of Pharmacy
* D3 analyst Health 7 people
* D3 Nutrition 6 people
* D3 Section 1 person
* D3 Nursing 48 people
* D3 Dental Nurse 2 people
* D3 Radiografer 2 people
* D3 Medical Record 10 people
* D3 Teknik Elektromedis 1 person
* D3 Engineering Komputer/D3 Computer and Systems Engineering, Information Informasi/D3 of 2
* D3 in Civil Engineering 2 people
* S1 State Administration 10 people
* S1 Educational Administration 3 people
* S1 Accounting 6 people
* S1 Archeology 1 person
* S1 Architecture 2 people
* S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 5 people
* S1 Geography Cartography 1 person
* S1 Ilmu Hukum 7 people
* S1 Java Language Education / Education Language and Literature Language and Literature Jawa/S1 Java + Act IV / Teacher Profession Certificate 32 people
* S1 Governance 6 people
* S1 Mechanical Engineering Education Mechanical Engineering Automotive Automotive S1 + Act IV / 1 Certificate of Professional Teachers
* S1 Engineering Education Otomotif/S1 Automotive Mechanical Engineering 1 person
* S1 Library 1 person
* S1 PGSD/D-2 PGSD 167 people
* S1 Planning / PWK 1 person
* S1 Psychology 1 person
* S1 Sosiatri 2 people
* S1 Sosiologi/S1 Communication 3 people
* S1 Teknik Komputer/S1 Engineering Informatika/S1 Department of Computer Science and Mathematics 2 people
* S1 Mining Engineering 2 people
* S1 Civil Engineering 3 people
* Pharmacist 3 people
* General Practitioners 17 people
* Medical Specialist Anesthesia 1 person
Applicant Requirements
* Aged minimum of 18 years and the highest 35 years calculated until 01 January 2010, or up to 40 years for those who worked on the basic services of government agencies or private institutions that are legal entities that support the national interests of continually working with the most less than 5 (five) years on April 17, 2002 or at least 12 years 9 months counted until December 31, 2009
* A minimum grade point average 2.75 (scale 4).
* The average value of at least a graduate degree for SAA / SMF is 7.50.
* For applicants a general practitioner and a specialist must have a Certificate of Registration (STR) of the Indonesian Medical Council.
Registration Procedures
* Registration is on-line through website revenues CPNS Pemkab Sleman (link listed below this article) starting on October 31, 2009 at 12.00 wib s / d 6 November 2009 at 24.00 PM.
* Registration is considered valid if the applicant's documents have completed the requirements submitted by the applicants directly to the procurement team on business days from the date of 4 November 2009 to 9 November 2009, at 08.00 s / d 13.00 wib, except on Friday from 08.00 s / d 11:00 WIB, located at:
kenapa IPK harus 2,75, skalian aja 3,9 biar yang masuk orang pinter semua tapi ga bisa kerja. jaman sekarang masih kaya zaman batu.... kolot semuanya.... mau jadi apa negara ini..... paling juga UUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDD. orang pinter dan bisa kerja banyak yang ipk nya standard, emang di kampus orang ngejar ipk apa???? nyari ilmu dan bermasyarakat, biar nanti bisa kerja... buktinya orang yang IPK nya besar juga ga punya teori apa-2, apa lagi kerja.
ReplyDeleteinilah penjaliman terhadap hak-hak warga negara, tolong dicamkan
maksud dari penggunaan IPK minimum adalah untuk membatasi jumlah pelamar yg membludak. Kalo pingin melamar dengan IPK di bawah 2,75 coba lihat CPNSD Pemkab Bantul DIY disamping. IPK minimum yg dibutuhkan 2,50.
ReplyDeleteAtau nanti sebentar lagi cpnsd jateng yg akan sgera kami update. Saya lihat sebagian besar ngak memakai batasan IPK.