Environmental IAIN Sunan Ampel
Environmental IAIN Sunan Ampel
1. Letter of State Minister of Administrative Reform No. 277 Year 2009 about Formation of Civil Service Ministry of Religious Affairs for Fiscal Year 2009;
2. Decree of the Secretary General of the Department of Religion 1449 Year Number 2009 dated 29 September 2009 of the Procurement Guidelines for Civil Servants Candidate in the Department of Religious Environmental Fiscal Year 2009;
3. Letter of the Secretary General of the Department of Religious Tax B.II/1-a/KP.00.3/997/2009 dated 30 September 2009 about the details of Candidate Acceptance Formation Civil Service (CPNS) Ministry of Religious Affairs for Fiscal Year 2009 Work Unit IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.
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1. General Requirements
1. Every Indonesian citizen who fear the Almighty God.
2. Minimum age of 18 years and a maximum of 35 years (on December 1, 2009).
3. For applicants whose age is more than 35 years to 40 years may make an offer if it has Wiyata devotion to the date of December 1, 2009 at least 12 years 8 months of continuous and uninterrupted work unit or agency of government agencies / private foundations that are legal entities (accompanied by evidence of the decision letter)
4. Applicants for Private University graduates who have not accredited before the application of Decree No. 184/U/2001 Minister dated 23 November 2001 have been approved by Kopertis / Kopertais;
5. Applicants for university graduates or the Foreign Educational Institutions for Foreign Affairs, must attach a decree setting and appraisal Penyetaraan College graduate diploma of Foreign Affairs of the Directorate General of Higher Education / Directorate General of Islamic Education;
6. Photocopy of diploma University / Institute of legalized by the Rector, the Dean or Assistant Dean of Academic Area, while the photo copy of High School diploma or Assistant Chief legalized Academic Chair;
7. Date of certificate must be before the date of Applying, whereas letters or statements are not allowed to pass;
8. Have the education, skills, expertise and skills required in accordance with the available information.
9. Berkelakukan good.
10. Physical and spiritual health.
11. Was never sentenced to prison or confinement by a court decision which has had permanent legal force.
12. Never be dismissed with respect not his own request / not with respect as a Civil Servant or Private Employees.
13. No status as a candidate for Civil Servants / Civil Servant.
14. Willing to be placed throughout Indonesia.
15. Not a member / board POLITICAL PARTIES.
16. Willing to abide by the rules / regulations in the Department of Religious Affairs.
2. Special Requirements
1. Palamar that meet the general requirements as stated above can take the test candidate with a Civil Servant submit a cover letter written by his own hand in black ink on paper or stamped seals Rp. 6000, - addressed to the Procurement Committee CPNS IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, citing the formation and types of proposed personnel. (sample letter of application)
2. The application letter is attached:
1. Copy of valid (legalization) STTB / last diploma complete with transcripts of 1 (one) sheet. For qualifications of PTS was legalized in 2001 after years of accredited private universities and for the qualifications of the PTS before 2001 legalized the status of private universities is similar. As for qualifications from abroad must have the determination of equivalency of DIKNAS or DEPAG. (Cados minimum GPA of 3.00);
2. Black and white passport photo, size 3 × 4 cm 2 pieces;
3. Copy of valid (legalization) National Identity Card (KTP) which is still valid as many as 1 (one) sheet and not a temporary ID card.
4. Copy of valid (legalization) first appointment decree until the last as energy honorariums / Wiyata service (for those who have) as many as 1 (one) sheet;
5. 1 (one) sheet of yellow folder to snelhecter qualifications S2 (Gol.III / b) and green for qualifications S1 (Gol. III / a).
1. Schedule of revenues:
1. Registration Date 5 s / d October 20, 2009;
2. Decision Number Exam Date October 21, 2009
3. Implementation of Written Examination (Phase I for CPNS Cados) On 15 November 2009;
4. Announcement of written test (Stage I for CPNS Cados that can take the test phase II) and graduation announcements for Technical Manpower On 28 November 2009;
5. Implementation of Phase II Trials for CPNS Cados On 29 November 2009;
6. Graduation Announcement Cados PTAIN On 30 November 2009.
2. Test Material:
1. Test materials include:
1. General Knowledge Test (TPU);
2. Religious Knowledge Test (TPA);
3. Scholastic Talent Test (TBS);
4. Technical Knowledge Test (TPT).
2. Material test candidates PTAIN lecturers consists of 2 stages:
1. The first stage of faculty lecturer for the candidates to-Islamic.
1. English Knowledge Test;
2. Test Scholastic Talent;
3. Arabic Knowledge Test.
2. First Stage for prospective public school teachers:
1. Knowledge of English tests;
2. Scholastic Talent Test.
3. Stage two faculty lecturer for the candidates of the Islamic and prospective public school teachers:
1. Fields of Study Competency Tests;
2. Feasibility Test Teaching;
3. Personality Test / other
3. Materials Testing Authored Technical Manpower Program, Evaluation and Reporting, Statistics and Financial Verification, including:
1. General Knowledge Test
2. Religious Knowledge Test
3. Scholastic Talent Test
4. Technical Knowledge Tests
1. Registration at the Central Office of Human Resources Section IAIN Sunan Ampel Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya, during business hours:
1. Monday - Thursday: 08.00 s / d 14.00 WIB
2. Friday: 08.00 s / d 11.00 WIB
2. Postal applications can be addressed through the Section Officer IAIN Sunan Ampel Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya 60237th Code.
3. Each test phase was held at the Campus IAIN Sunan Ampel Jl. A. Yani 117 Surabaya.
1. Applicants for teaching candidates who passed the exam the first phase will be allowed to take the test phase II.
2. Each stage of selection, not held an invitation or call for participants and were asked to all participants frequently selected to communicate to the committee or come to see the announcement at the announcement when there is a change.
3. Participants who present late or not following some selection process or one type of selection, then fall as participants stated selection.
Surabaya, October 5, 2009
An. Rector
ME Bureau Chief
As Chairman of the Committee,
TTDDra. Hj. Shofiyah Asmu, M. Si
NIP. 195706291988032001
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