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28 September 2009


Open University
Number: 15196/H31.11.2/KP/2009
YEAR 2009
Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education 47190/A4/KP/2009 No. 4 September
2009 and the results of Acceptance Plan Coordination Meeting Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS) Tahun 2009
Ministry of National Education within 7-9 dated September 2009 at Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya, Jalan Jenderal
Sudirman 86, Jakarta - 10220, the Open University will receive a Civil Service candidate number
26 people, with details as follows.
1. Registration
1.1. Time
Acceptance of registration, selection, administration, completion of curriculum vitae, and retrieval Number
Examination by participants concerned began on 14 September 2009 to the 6th
October 2009.
1.2. Place of Examination and Registration
Section Officer on BAUK-UT, 3rd floor of Building Bureau,
Jl. Cabe Raya, Tangerang - 15418, Tel. (021) 7490941 ext.
1308 s.d. 1312, Fax (021) 7423997.
Office UPBJJ-UT Jakarta, Complex State University
Jakarta, Jl. Pemuda, East Jakarta - 13220, Tel. (021)
4893638, 4751172, Fax. (021) 4701577, 4751172.
UPBJJ-UT Office Bogor, Jl. Hornbill No. 7, Bogor - 16161,
Tel. (0251) 382027, Fax. (0251) 311927, 8311927.
1. UT Center
Office UPBJJ-UT Pangkalpinang, Jl. Water Selan No. 21, Prov.
Bangka Belitung Islands, Tel. (0717) 421729, Fax.
(0717) 435,328.
2. Medan UPBJJ-UT-UT Office UPBJJ Medan, Jl. Peratun No. 1, Medan Estate --
20371, Tel. (061) 6226080, Fax. (061) 6620219
Office UPBJJ-UT Padang, Jl. Scout Raya No. 11, Khatib
Sulaiman, Padang - 25,138, Tel. (0751) 40471, Fax. (0751)
41,519. 3. Padang UPBJJ-UT-UT UPBJJ Office Jambi, Jl. Tarmizi Kadir No. 60, Pakuan
Baru, Jambi - 36,132, Tel. (0741) 25753, Fax. (0741)
Office-UT UPBJJ Semarang, Jl. North Kelud III, Tromol Post
579, Semarang - 50232, Tel. (024) 8311505, Fax. (024)
8311510. 4. Semarang UPBJJ-UT-UT Office UPBJJ Purwokerto, Jl. Campus Grendeng No. 54,
Purwokerto Utara - 53122, Tel. (0281) 624318, Fax. (0281)
5. Jember UPBJJ-UT-UT UPBJJ Office Jember, Jl. Kaliurang No. 2-A, Jember --
68121, Tel. (0331) 326444, 324222, Fax. (0331) 336,444.
Jl. G. Obos Km. 3.5 Front Hajj Dormitory, Palangkaraya --
73112, Tel. (0536) 22,084, 3306440, Fax. (0536) 3221086.
7. -UT UPBJJ Mataram
UPBJJ-UT Office of Mataram, Jl. Neuningan, Sandubaya,
chilli, NTB, Mataram - 83236, Tel. (0370) 671006,
671,007, Fax. (0370) 671,006.
8. Manado UPBJJ-UT-UT Office UPBJJ Manado, Complex Univ. Sam Ratulangi
Pegawai2 / c: / MyDocuments/Ijoel/CPNS2009/PengumumanPenerimaanCPNS2009 3
Kleak, Manado - 95115, Tel. (0431) 964193, 828262, Fax.
(0431) 853,540.
9. Ambon UPBJJ-UT-UT Office UPBJJ Ambon, Campus Univ. Pattimura poka,
Ambon - 97,233, Tel. / Fax. (0911) 322,625.
1.3. Completeness
1.3.1. Cover letter written in black ink and signed by the applicant with
mentioned positions will be proposed, addressed to the Minister of National Education
the Rector of the Open University, Jl. Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang --
15,418, no stamp. (sample blank job application can be viewed on Web Site
Http:// Open University)
1.3.2. 3 (three) copy of certificate of S1 and S2 have been accredited, as well as transcripts
in accordance with the required academic qualifications have been endorsed by the official who
authorities (legalization) with seal and original signature (date of diploma
Applying to before the date, not a certificate or statement
states that have not graduated), and show the original to the Committee. For
who have a college degree diploma abroad must enclose a letter
decision making and assessment of degree equivalency graduates
foreign high from the Directorate General of Higher Education Department of Education.
1.3.3. Education academic qualifications must be linear between S1 and S2.
1.3.4. 8 (eight) pieces of passport photo size 3 x 4 cm.
1.3.5. Lowest age of 18 years and a maximum of 35 years, or for applicants
aged 35 years and not more than 40 years of age should be based on
special needs which was carried out selectively and must attach a letter
The first appointment decision until at least the last 12 years 8 months (tmt. 1
December 2009) a continuous and uninterrupted since April 1, 1997 to
now the government agencies and / or private institutions that are legal entities which
support national interests, and letters stating that the
he is still performing their duties at the agency, according to Regulation
Government No. 11 of 2002.
1.3.6. For faculty applicants must attach a statement of not being bound
contracts with agencies / other universities.
1.3.7. Application made copies 3 (three), for applicants S1 using colored map
red, whereas for applicants S2 uses a blue folder.
2. Implementation Selection General Knowledge Test (TPU) and scholastic aptitude tests (TBS)
2.1. Day / date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
2.2. Time: 08.00 s.d. 11:15 pm
09.00 s.d. 12:15 WITA
10:00 s.d. 13:10 CDT
2.3. Venue: Central and UPBJJ UT-UT for an exam (see page 2)
2.4. Completeness of the tests taken at the time: the selection of participants sign cards, ballpoint, 2B pencils, rubber
eraser, pencil sharpener, mat board to write.
3. Applicants who arrive late are not allowed to enter the exam room and / or take exams.
4. Type of Material Selection TPU and TBS:
4.1. General Knowledge Test (TPU)
4.1.1. Indonesian
4.1.2. Pancasila
4.1.3. Government Policy
4.1.4. Tata Negara
4.1.5. History
4.1.6. Language English
Pegawai2 / c: / MyDocuments/Ijoel/CPNS2009/PengumumanPenerimaanCPNS2009 4
4.2. Scholastic Talent Test (TBS)
4.2.1. Verbal reasoning abilities
4.2.2. Quantitative reasoning abilities
4.2.3. Analytical reasoning abilities
5. Implementation of Test Substance (academic tests and insight into-utans) and Interview (for
participants who passed the sekelsi TPU and TBS)
5.1. Day, date. : Monday and Tuesday, 2 and 3 November 2009
5.2. Time: 08.00 s.d. finished WIT
09.00 s.d. finished WITA
S.d finished at 10.00 CEST
5.3. Venue: Central and UPBJJ UT-UT for an exam (see page 2)
5.4. Completeness of the tests taken at the time: the selection of participants sign cards, ballpoint, 2B pencils, rubber
eraser, pencil sharpener and mat board to write.
6. Exam Results Announcement
TPU and 6.1.Pengumuman TBS graduation date October 30, 2009.
6.2.Pengumuman graduation will be determined later (planned for November 13, 2009).
7. Terms of appointment CPNS:
7.1.Pelamar accepted, must complete and submit the administrative completeness of
3 (three) copies as follows:
7.1.1. minimum age 18 years and a maximum 35-year high on 1
December 2008 which is determined by the date listed on the birth
certificate that is used as the basis for the appointment.
7.1.2. Photocopy of certificate produced educational institutions that have establishment licenses and
accredited by the Ministry of National Education and has been approved by officials
authorities (legalization) with seal and original signature;
. Date of certificate must be before the date of Applying, should not be a letter
information or statements have not graduated;
. Applicants for Lecturer formation, certificates of academic qualifications must be linear between S1 and
S2 (eg, academic qualifications accounting S2, then S1 academic qualifications must
accounting), for applicants who have a diploma S1 and S2 is not linear application
not be accepted.;
. For those who have a college diploma graduates abroad should attach
decision letter of determination and assessment of degree equivalency graduates
foreign universities from the Directorate General of Higher Education Department
National Education.
7.1.3. List of CVs (DRH) as Head of Information and Decision No. 13A of 2006
(provided the committee) with the following conditions:
. written with his own hand using capital letters / block, black ink, and
. affixed to fit photo size 3 x 4 cm at the upper right corner.
. to fill the place of birth must match the certificate to be used, with
if the relevant records birthplace in the village / district, then the charging
place of birth on the DRH should be added by including the district / city,
but if the place of birth stated in the certificate is the village / district,
district / city is listed in the DRH enough districts only.
. the field of education, certificate number and year of graduation of each level of education
starting from elementary school to the last certificate used for the appointment process
must be completely filled.
. as well as family information column, for those who have a family name
wife / husband, child, father and mother, father and mother-in-law must be filled out
7.1.4. Letter Head of Information and Statement of Decision No. 11 of 2002, which contains about: never been sentenced to prison by a court decision that had
have permanent legal force, because the act of doing something
criminal crimes.
Pegawai2 / c: / MyDocuments/Ijoel/CPNS2009/PengumumanPenerimaanCPNS2009 5 never be dismissed with respect not his own request or
not with respect as a civil servant or dismissed are not
with respect for private employees. no candidate stands a Civil Service / Civil Servant. would be placed in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia. not take charge of and / or members of political parties.
7.1.5. Pas photo size 3 x 4 cm by 8 (eight) sheets.
7.1.6. Police Notes Certificate (SKCK) party issued a
authorities / police.
7.1.7. Certificate of physical and spiritual health of the government doctor.
7.1.8. Certificate not to consume / use of narcotics, psychotropic drugs, precursors,
and other addictive substances from the government health service units with the following conditions:
. issued by the Government General Hospital.
. based on the urine through a laboratory examination, and the relevant
negatively expressed narcotics.
. signed by a doctor (Head / laboratory staff, Kasatreskrim Police
is not a doctor is not allowed).
7.1.9. The letter was not attached statement of work contracts in universities other.
7.1.10. Special applicants who at the time appointed CPNS 35 years old and not
more than 40 years at the December 1, 2009, must attach a letter of decision
The first appointment to last at least 12 years 8 months continuously
and not cut off since April 1, 1997 until now the government agencies
and / or private institutions that are legal entities that support the national interest,
and a certificate stating that he is still carrying out
duty at the appropriate agencies of Government Regulation No. 98 Year 2000
as amended by Government Regulation No. 11 of 2002.
7.1.11. Photocopy of proof of work experience is authentic and certified by the officials
authorities for the work experience (the official in charge of
field personnel lowest echelon II in the work unit will
7.1.12. Passed selection.
7.2.Apabila one of the requirements as stated in item 7.1. not met then the
off the can not be appointed as CPNS.
8. Other
8.1.Hal matters relating to the implementation of revenue-UT CPNS, including transportation costs,
accommodation / consumption, are borne by the applicant.
8.2.Pelamar not charged a fee.
So to be informed.
Jakarta, 14 September 2009
Chairman Admission Committee CPNS-UT,
Ir. Nadia Sri Damajanti, M.Ed., M.Sc.
NIP. 19610623 198601 2 001

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