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26 September 2009

Lowongan Kerja CPNS DEPHAN (5 s.d. 6 Oktober 2009) dan TNI 2009 (5 – 8 Oktober 2009)

 Pengumuman Selengkapnya Disini


Number: PENG/02/IX/2009

In order to fill the Civil Service Formation TA. 2009, the Department of Defense opened the opportunity for Indonesian citizens men and women to become candidates for Civil Servants of Department of Defense, with educational qualifications and the needs of the following formations:


Requirements Applicants:

   1. Applicant Status

       a. Indonesian citizen, both men and women

       b. Of good character as evidenced by Certificate of Police Notes

       c. Never be dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as a civil servant / member military and police as well as private sector employees

       d. Not domiciled in CPNS and not being bound by agreements / contracts with other agencies

       e. No husband / wife, a foreign citizen or stateless, making note of the letter from the District / Village Head

       f. Maximum age of 35 years on December 1, 2009

       g. Not being applied to CPNS at the other institution.

2. Education Qualifications

Applicant qualifications required as stated above is licensed Diploma III (D3), Sarjana (S1), and Medical / Pharmacist / Psychology (profession), with the following provisions:

      a. Copies / photo copy of approved final diploma / legalized by the competent authority with the following conditions:

       1) State Universities approved by the Rector / Dean / Chair / Director / Assistant Dean of Academic Division

       2) Private Higher Education which is accredited approved by the Rector / Dean / Chair / Director / Assistant Dean Academic Field.

     b. A certificate of Private Higher Education obtained after the application of the Minister of National Education Decree Number: 84/U/2001 on Guidelines for Development of Control and Supervision of Diploma, Degree and Postgraduate Studies in Higher Education, the organization had not received permission from the Ministry of National Education should include the Certificate / Statement of Chairman Higher Education which states that the faculty / department concerned has received permission from the implementation of the National Education Ministry

     c. Education graduates from abroad should be equipped with the determination letter validation / equivalency of the Minister of National Education.

     d. Minimum 2.5 GPA.

3. Condition physically and mentally Applicants

   a. Height, at least to 160 cm Men's, Women's 155 Cm

   b. Near ideal body weight (not overweight and not underweight)

   c. Healthy physically and spiritually (not disabled)

   d. No tattoos and not bertindik (for women, pierced in each ear not more than one)

   e. No tattoos or marks former stud.

4. Application Filing Procedure


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